Line of Escape

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In better times you make way to freedom, in less fortunate times you cut the way for survival. In any case, it is worth learning and walking your line. 

For this performance our partners researched Budapest memories of World War II with 10 young people through the personal memories of 5 storytellers. In the framework of the site-specific performance entitled ‘Line of Escape’, they invite the audience to a site-specific theatrical memory interpretation in the neighbourhood of Pozsonyi Road, the area of the former ‘international ghetto’.

Safe space

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Where do you feel yourself protected? With whom? In the wild or in a sealed space? What things surrounds you? Where is your home?

17 teenagers from Budapest researched what safety means to them. The starting points were personal memories of five ladies who survived the holocaust. Through those conversations, the youngsters ended up questioning their contemporary mental environment.