Theatre of Remembrance Youngsters’ Day 2025 Animated

A short film to capture the thoughts and feelings of the youngsters who participated in Theatre of Remembrance 2025. 

Youngsters’ Day took place earlier this year, on January 11. We gathered all the kids taking part in Theatre of Remembrance in an online meeting to share about their process preparing for their performance taking place January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day. We produced a short animated film to capture and represent the conversation that took place that day.

A screenshot from the online meeting we held for Youngsters‘ Day. See here the group doing movement/improv exercises.

Theatre of Remembrance works every year with a talented group of enthusiastic youngsters across Europe. Since the beginning of Theatre of Remembrance in 2018, our partners in different countries throughout Europe, recruit a team of young people in their city to perform in the Theatre of Remembrance. This year the project has expanded and we took the opportunity to connect them through our virtual community where they can share about their process preparing for Theatre of Remembrance, but also with online meetings. Last year in December 2024, we kicked off this community with a meet & greet to give the youngsters the opportunity to get to know each other and introduce their project as well as kick-off our virtual community. In January of this year, we hosted the Youngsters’ Day with a full programme of activities. Here’s what Andrada Şimo-Mosk, artistic producer of youth projects, had to say about the Youngster Day: 

“We organize Youngsters‘ Day to bring the young participants together, in order for them to meet each other, share previews of their performances, exchange ideas and feel part of a larger theatrical movement. As they connect, even online, they quickly realise that they form one big European community, commemorating through theatre on January 27th. This powerful awareness is at the heart of Youngsters‘ Day. Every time we hold this event, I am amazed by their talents, the wisdom they share and their deep interest in history and humanity.” 

— Andrada Maria Şimo-Mosk, artistic producer of youth projects from the parent organisation of the Theatre of Remembrance, Theater Na de Dam.

A screenshot from the online meeting we held for Youngsters‘ Day. See here the group doing movement/improv exercises.

Also invited on this day was illustrator and animator, Mickey Cohen who created an animated video based on the conversations and activities that took place on the Youngsters‘ Day. Graduate of Illustration from the WDKA in Rotterdam, you can see his work on his website or Instagram. Here’s what Mickey had to say about the experience: 

“I really enjoyed working with the kids involved in this project. They started off with positive and somewhat excited energy but when it came time to share their feelings on the subject they were concise and well read. From thoughts on how this shared history has a lasting impact on the world, to coming up with physical expressions of events, they were empathetic and inspiring.”

— Illustrator & animator, Mickey Cohen

Watch the animation below or follow the link to watch on our YouTube channel: