Get To Know Our Team: Maïté Moloney
We like to introduce you to Maïté Moloney, our new coordinator marketing and communication for the international program Theatre of Remembrance.
You’re from Ireland, do you notice differences in commemorating? “This work is actually really interesting for me, because I get to see the way Dutch people are remembering World War II and the Holocaust, which is very different in Ireland since Ireland was neutral in World War II. Ireland was basically completely uninvolved, so there’s not many remembrance happening there. For me it’s really interesting to see more in the rest of Europe and how people are remembering, how this happened.”
You’re living here in Holland for four years now, did you already experience a Remembrance Day on the 4th of May or a Liberation Day at the 5th of May?
“Yes, a little bit. I was living in Rotterdam when I first moved here. Then I was in the Hague, there are more things happening there like film screenings. This edition of Theatre of Remembrance will also be learning for me.”
What’s the importance of this manifestation?
“This international program is important because it’s spreading across Europe. Where the concept of Theater Na de Dam is really important, the history is also affecting all these countries. So it’s nice to have some point of connection that’s not just Dutch.”
What can people expect on 27 January 2025?
“They can expect a moment of connection on an important historical remembrance through the medium of theatre.”
How do you see the future of Theatre of Remembrance?
“Theatre of Remembrance will connect with al lot more groups across Europe. We’re hoping we come better known and through this we’re also hoping to make some more collaborations, make some more productions and involving more youngsters.”
Why is it so important that youngsters are doing these projects?
“It’s really important that youngsters are doing this because the eye witnesses of World War II will soon be dead. We won’t hear their stories, so this is in a way the last opportunity. It’s also really important with what’s happening at the moment globally, that youngsters can learn about the history we have with war.”