Line of Escape

Site-specific theatrical memoryology

Genre: Site-specific theatre, Theatre

Duration: 75 minutes

In better times you make way to freedom, in less fortunate times you cut the way for survival. In any case, it is worth learning and walking your line. 

For this performance our partners researched Budapest memories of World War II with 10 young people through the personal memories of 5 storytellers. In the framework of the site-specific performance entitled ‘Line of Escape’, they invite the audience to a site-specific theatrical memory interpretation in the neighbourhood of Pozsonyi Road, the area of the former ‘international ghetto’.

Directors: Szenteczki Zita, Kallós Viola

Producer: Gergő Borbás

Project assistants: Emma Kárpáti, Gréta Feil, Tímea Imola Bernát

Performers: Baráth Zsombor, Henter Dóra, Holecz Rozi, Horváth Lotti, Káuzli Réka, Kraivich Endre, Süle Csaba, Szilágyi Léna, Szűcs Dorina, Tyukodi Emma 

Photograph: András Mayer

This performance played earlier on

Date City Location
27 Jan 2025 Budapest Noha Stúdió
26 Jan 2025 Budapest Noha Stúdió