Clover Fields

80 years since the end of the war, the young generation asks: what does it mean for us?

Genre: Theatre

The year 2025; 80 years since the end of the war. The young generation asks: what does it mean for us? Witnesses are remembering, young artists are listening and creating. What is created when the past meets its future? Come and explore the boundaries of memory, art and identity.

Photo by Tomáš Král.

Direction: Tamara Pomoriški

Movement Cooperation: Katka Klusáková, Jiřina Jonáková

Sound Design and Vocals: Ridina Ahmed

Cast: Amálie Furmanová, Amálie Ziková, Anastázie Kopečná, Benjamin Šťastný, Clémentine Bastard, Hana Hopfingerová, Jakub Pešek, Luisa Olivie Bultová, Mariana Turková, Michaela Zadražilová, Tereza Nováková, Tobiáš Matocha, Valerie Rosa Hetzendorfová, Vilma Vojtíšková, Zuzana Jarošová

This performance played earlier on

Date City Location
02 Feb 2025 Prague Divadlo X10
28 Jan 2025 Prague Divadlo X10
27 Jan 2025 Prague Divadlo X10